Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The Boys @ the Beijing Olympics!

Here is a picture of Bryant and Austin with their Olympic tickets and U.S. flag with the stadium in the background.  They were on their way to see the U.S. Mens Polo team play!

They made it inside the stadium and Austin was thrilled to catch a glimpse of the Beijing Olympic Mascotts.  Austin and Brooklynn love these little creatures, who knows why but I am glad he got to see them!

Here is a picture of team USA before the game began.

Go Team Go!

Austin and Bryant watching the game.  Apparently they got great seats!  Love the flag, Austin! GO TEAM USA!!!  Needless to say they won that game and as it turn out THEY WON THE GOLD!  Austin may or may not remember this trip but what an amazing opportunity for Austin and his Dad!

1 comment:

Cheri said...

What an incredible adventure for them to share! Austin is getting so big and is such a handsome little man!! What a great Dad for doing that with his son and what a great Mom for giving them that time together!! Love you guys!