Monday, August 11, 2008

My Boys at the Olympics!

Ok so.......Bryant decided to take Austin on a "boys" trip.  They woke up early this morning, packed their bags and headed off to Beijing to catch some Olympic action!  This was the first time Austin was "leaving" me.  Needless to say I shed a few tears!  Austin called from the airport to make sure I wasn't "still" crying.  I assured him I would be Ok.  Of course I miss them both like crazy so..... Bryant being the wonderful husband he is cleverly thought to take pictures and has sent them to me all day long. This has kept posted on all of their wonderful adventures!  Here are a few of the pics, not so clear but FINALLY something good comes out of Bryant having a Blackberry!  Love you Honey!


He even sent me a picture of Austin blowing me a good night kiss!  Priceless!  Where did I find this man!  Sweet Dreams Boys!!!


Cheri said...

What a GREAT Daddy!! Looks like Austin has a great view up there. That picture of Austin blowing you kisses is just too sweet! I'm so excited to see your family's fun adventures! Tell the boys to have fun at the OLYMPICS!! Thanks for blogging!! I LOVE YOU and MISS YOU ALL!!

Suzanne said...

Adoreable. Bon qui qui.

Cheri said...

I NEED MORE POSTS...haha!! Love and miss you TONS!!!!